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How to do Meditation Effectively

 Power of Meditation

Meditation- Spiritual and Effective

Meditation is a Spiritual practice done to achieve mental peace and a focused mind. The real power of spirituality resides in spiritual practices, just like Meditation. The power of meditation could be seen when we perform it properly. Meditation could be assumed as one of the beginning point in the Spiritual practices. So understanding it is very important. Most of us have very much misconceptions about meditation, that is we do not know the actual meaning of meditation. This is so because we just search for meditation and whatever we found, we just start following it without going to the deep understanding of meditation. 

There are many wrong or false methods told on internet of doing meditation, well actually saying, that is not the meditation at all. They are just the imagination or believes of some people. On which we must do some analysis before start practicing them. Well spirituality doesn’t define the meditation in those ways at all.

The Power of Meditation

The Spiritual practices are very much powerful so as the power of the meditation. It definitely gives us a calm and stable mind. But with this it also attracts the outer powers (other than the powers of our body), which are helpful for us in many ways. You may have experience sometime in your life, that you got intuition about something and you did the same, after that you figure out that your action helps you to save from some big trouble. This is the power of meditation and the power of spirituality. Just think for one second, what if you could manually control those intuitions. That manual control over the power of meditation will come with time, hardwork and correct procedure.

What actually is Meditation

Meditation is a procedure through which we start understanding the actuality of the life, the universe, of us. It is to look in the inner-self. To understand what is our mind. How it works. What is the purpose of life. What we have to attain from this human birth. To get the answer of all this, is for what the meditation done.

Different types of meditation

There are many ways of doing meditation in spirituality. You can choose any one of them, whichever suits you. But the important fact to know at this point of time is that if we understand what actually meditation does and how it works, we can very easily prepare ourselves to do meditation and start doing meditation.

We often notice in our daily life, at some point of time we realize that our mind is somewhere lost in the thoughts of pasts or future. Right?

This is the key of our most of the problems. We are not in the practical world. But we are always lost in the world of thoughts. Which is our biggest enemy. We have to get rid of that. That is the real purpose of the meditation.

How to do Meditation

At the initial phase, we have to sit quietly and start looking at our thoughts, whatever comes to our mind. We don’t have to stop or try to control those thoughts. We just have to look at them. As we are different from these thoughts. Continuously observing them makes us realize that we are not those thoughts in which we live everyday. We are very much separate from them. So why we waste our life being a slave to those thoughts.

When these type of questions starts arising in your mind, understand that you are on the correct path.

Tratak in Meditation

When the same meditation or focus is placed on some outer objects, instead of inner self, the process is called Tratak. Traktak is one of the most powerful kriya in the Tantra shastra. One of the type of tratak which is inner tratak is also one form of meditation. You can find the mysterious secrets about Tratak here.

Tratak and Hypnotism

Control on our Mind

So at this point of time, we have understood the problem. Now we have to get rid of the problem or to solve it. 

For that we
 have to do the same procedure as mentioned above. That is to sit quietly. Let the thoughts come and go. Don’t get affected by them. But now you have to put your attention from the thoughts to the intake and out giving of your breathes. Start looking at the movement of your breathes. Try to figure out how much deep your breathes goes inside your body. Your chest, your stomach or to the mooladhar chakra. Don’t try to harshly fill your body with the air. Just see it and observe it very gently.

Slowly you will find, after some days of practice, that at the time of meditation your breathes becomes slower and deeper. Automatically, you start holding the breathe inside your body. At the same time you realize that the unwanted thoughts that earlier came to your mind, are now nowhere near you.

You have a calm and stable mind. Now you do completely whatever you want to do. You think completely whatever you want to think. You learn whatever you want to learn very easily.


This is meditation all about. Following this simple procedure lets you get the complete benefit of meditation and it will surely help you in materialistic and spiritual world.


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