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7 Power Chakra in Body

7 Chakras In Body

Power Chakra

Our body consist of a energy because of which we are alive. To control the flow of this energy in our body there are some power controller points in our body which are called Chakras.

There are 112 chakras in a human body, of which 7 are main chakras which have importance in kundalini jagran as well as in our normal life. The nature and power of these chakras affect our daily life. Different chakras have different colors, shades, rotation speed and impacts on us. At every point of time in our life, one or combination of chakras are active, because of which our emotions, thoughts and mood are controlled and affected. Let's find out details of 7 main chakras one by one.

1. Muladhar chakra - Root chakra

It is the first and the starting chakra (the root chakra) through which energy starts to flow. It is situated below our genitals. 98% of the human population is affected by this root chakra only. It is the source point of desire to create and to achieve. Until we control this chakra, we start living in the same nature of creating and achieving, which leads us living a greedful life which is the basic nature of the human. This effect of muladhar chakra doesn't allow a person to think beyond himself. And untill a person doesn't let himself to think and care about this nature, he remains stuck within the control of this chakra.

Our goal should be to control the chakras and not to remain in control of chakras. We must start to focus on an important goal and leave other unnecessary desires through meditation, then we achieve control over our Muladhar Chakra. In this way we start achieving in our life and our life become fulfilled.

2. Swadhishthan Chakra

After getting control on first chakra our energy is now concentrated in Swadhishthan Chakra. This is not the time when your kundalini gets awake. It is just to have complete control on chakras after which awaking the kundalini will just be on your will.  Swadhishthan Chakra is situated before our genitals.  Until we get control on this chakra, this energy makes us to enjoy what we have achieved. This desire to enjoy is so strong that we feel that whatever we have is so small in quantity. This inspires us to achieve more and more and enjoy at the same time. 

By means of continuous meditation we start realizing that how much we enjoy, this desire to enjoy is never going to end. When we start implement this thought in our life, then we start achieving control on our Swadhishthan Chakra. Now we know that we must not focus on achieving, but to get control on our desires.

The procedure to control this chakra is also the same, but you need more attention and hard working capability to get control over this chakra, as this is the chakra in which the desires of most of the population of the world is residing. Only a very very small part of population have move ahead of this chakra.

3. Manipur Chakra

When we control our desires of achieving and enjoying, then our energy becomes concentrated on Manipura chakra. This chakra is located in the centre of our stomach. This chakra gives us character which refrain us of loosing what we have. Now at this point of time we are away from the desires of achieving or creating something new. But what about of the things that we have achieved till now. We are not ready to leave it. This attachment to things/materialism don't let us control the overflow energy of Manipur Chakra.

With the consistent hard work and meditation when we end our attachment towards various things and relationships, the manipura chakra starts getting into our control. From here our energy start moving towards next chakra that is Anahat Chakara.

4. Anahat Chakra

Now the energy is concentrated in Anahat chakra which is situated near our heart, in the middle of the chest. In this chakra, now our selfishness is focused. Till this time we have no desire of creating or achieving and saving what we have. But still our self centered nature didn't let us progress in Spiritual World. Our selfish nature didn't let us become one with the world. It is a type of boundary which keep us away from the God. Becoming one with the creation of God, that is being capable of keeping our mind stable in every situation of life, makes us control the power of this chakra.

With the continuity in meditation we start getting the feeling that we must do something towards the benefit of mankind and nature and not to live a greedy life. Now we start feeling that we and the universe are connected and we cannot exist without this nature and universe. When this feeling becomes strong enough, then we start getting control on Anahat Chakra and energy start moving forward towards next chakra. Till this point, a person completely changes. Now he has no desire just like every person of selfishness to achieve or create or anything self centered.

5. Vishudhi Chakra - Throat chakra

Throat chakra is situated in the middle of our throat. We cannot get control over this chakra until our thoughts get purified completely because at this time there are still some type of disorders in our mind like anger, attachments, some desires. It is basically the ego of 'I'. We have to get control over this ego. Till the time we are feeling that I am something or I have done something, we cannot win this chakra.

Try to understand the importance of this chakra. This chakra is situated in our throat. This means it controls our voice and words also, that is what we speak. We should understand deeply that whatever we say is an outcome of our thoughts and mindset. So getting control over this chakra also control our words automatically.

Just like lord Shiva, who keep the poison in his throat and become Neelkanth. He stores the poison in throat, by not letting it going inside the body or letting the vapors of poison to enter his brain. This controlling power is because of Throat Chakra or Vishudhi Chakra.

We have to do the same. We have to keep all our disorders in our throat in a compressed form. So that it didn't go down to our body and infect us and neither let it go up in our brain to prevent our thoughts to become toxicated. When we get success in this procedure, we get control over the Vishudhi Chakra.

6. Aagya Chakra - Third eye Chakra

This is the time when we have got control over our 5 chakras, now we are ready to get the feeling of actuality which is the Truth. Truth of everything, this world, our body, our existence etc. The Third eye chakra is situated in our forehead where the third eye of Lord Shiva exists. This is the focus point of our meditation. Now meditating at Aagya chakra starts giving us intuitions in which we start to feel the power of the universe in us. We start believing that we are the one who is responsible for the existence of the universe. Now we actually have powers. We can see past present and future. We can control our life completely. But still we remain someone different from the world. Being a separate entity. The reason of these intuitions and powers is just to stop us in this chakra and not letting us move forward towards the next chakra. But a person with strong will power didn't get affected with these powers and intuitions and decides to go ahead and not to stop.

Tratak helps in the activation of Third Eye Chakra/Aagya Chakra

7. Sahastradal Chakra - Crown Chakra

When we become ready to leave the affections, powers, intuitions etc, we start moving towards the next chakra which is Sahastra chakra or crown chakra. It is situated on head. This is the final destination of our energy where it have to reach. On reaching this point, we don't have to do any hardwork any more we just have to see in our meditation. Now we see and feel the reality of universe and get a peace and happiness which doesn't have any end.

Note that in this complete journey different chakras made us learn a lot things, which all are a step of making us better and better. We became a completely different person. Now we are away from all types of disorders of a simple man. We become spiritual and one with the God.

Kundalini Jagran

Now after getting control on 7 major chakras of our body, we can easily make our Kundalini Jagrit. Which we will be discussing some other day.


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