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Unimaginable Powers of Mind

Unimaginable Powers of  Mind

We have often hear that our mind is the most powerful tool in this world. If mind is powerful then how can we use its power to make our life better. If our mind can do everything then how is it possible and how we can make the best use of our mind. How spirituality makes our mind to get its powers.

For this we have to first understand about our mind and its working, only then we can manipulate it and make it do what we want to get what we want. Mind is one of our entities just like other body parts, but it is different from our body and it works on different layers.

Mind vs Brain

Mind and brain are mostly misunderstood as same. This is not true. Brain is part of our body only, which is only a device and have functions to control body activities which are natural, like breathing, heartbeat etc. Also it act as a storage device where we store information in the form of memories.

Whereas mind is a part of us but not the part of our body. It is an entity which makes us feel alive, Without a mind we will be just like machines which have common functions. But mind gives us freedom to analyse, compare, understand so that we can live our life in the best way possible. Most of the people are fed up with their mind because they don't know how to use it and control it. It is so powerful that it makes a person think that everything is possible, everything. To get that capability you must have control and understanding of your mind.

Our mind can be further subdivided into two parts that are:
1. Conscious Mind
2. Subconscious Mind

Conscious Mind

It is the part of our mind which is constantly active. The continuous thinking process, analysis process, creating and understanding is the task of this mind. It can be understood as the outer layer of our mind. Which analyse the information before letting it to enter our subconscious mind (where the memories, feelings and believes are stored). It gets information through eyes, nose, ear, skin touch etc. After getting input, it analyses it and give command to our body to react accordingly. Like becoming happy, sad, cry, responding when our skin gets closer to fire etc. Consciousness is our activeness and awareness. The more we become active, the more will be our awareness and understanding of our surrounding. So in this way Conscious mind is very much powerful, but there is one more entity which is more powerful than conscious mind, that is Subconscious mind.

Subconscious Mind

It is the part of mind which is the most powerful one. We cannot control it. We can only work with conscious mind. But an important fact to know here is that whatever that enters our subconscious mind nearly becomes true in our life. But it is very hard to make something enter our subconscious mind. If we can do this, then there is nothing in this world which will be impossible for us. 

We just use 8% of our Subconscious mind. In that 8% we use nothing with our will. It completely works on natural mode, that is not in our control. If we can make it more than 8% active, it will become more powerful but then it should be in our control, Otherwise it can destroy us.

We have to understand and learn the art of working and controlling of our Subconscious mind, which you can see here.


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