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Living a Spiritual Life

  Living a Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

Human  being the most intelligent living being on earth, have the responsibility of taking care of himself, other creatures on earth, and the earth itself. The nature doesn't actually needs care from its children, that is from human or other living beings. But still it is our responsibility to at least not to spoil the circle of nature.

Understanding the Problem of Life

Doing something good for oneself is not harmful. But doing something which may be good to you, but if it is affecting someone in negative way, is not considered to be good. In the same manner, using the resources on the earth for our benefit is good, but at the same time we also have the responsibility to look at a limit for the consumption of the resources.

We can very easily see the over-consumption of the resources available on earth which is affecting the cycle of the nature. It is affecting the lives of some other living beings like animals, trees etc. This is the actual problem that we had been so much influence by the greedy nature that we can't see the happiness of others. Our this behaviour is not letting us being happy.

Saving Nature is Spirituality

In the greed of economic growth, we have forgotten our duty as a human. We have done all this for our luxury, for making our lives easier and inviting a lazy lifestyle to our life which is going to make our lives hell as a result. Technology growth is surely making your life luxurious and restful. But think for a second, is it really necessary to use the technology in the same way as we are using it today.

Like, not doing our duties as human being, but wasting our time for the entertainment through this technology. For this technology, we have no right to interfere with the nature. Our actions must not affect the nature. Very common example, think of the mobile phone networks and death of birds. This is how technology is affecting nature in many other aspects.

Spirituality tells purpose of being Alive

A very simple question to be asked to ourselves, is the technology we are using today was invented or discovered for the sake of the entertainment? Or it was having a purpose?

Definitely it was having a purpose. But we as great intelligent minds will not limit the technology for the special purposes for which it is meant to be used. We are entertainment hungry people. We will do any thing for it. At the end, this nature of human will be the biggest enemy of the mankind.

Our behaviour towards nature should be of saving kind. Spreading love and life among different creations of Nature. We must have a sense of mercy in our heart. This will give us a happy mind and liveable environment.

A Step towards Simple and Spiritual Life

Living a simple life is far better than these confusion filled advanced lifestyle. It is time to move back to our eastern culture and leaving the western culture. The education system, the lifestyle, the believes of eastern culture is for the betterment of human race and other creatures and the earth. Systematically divided every portion of our lives (4 ashrams). It was perfectly designed to see all the phases in one's life and finally attaining the moksha. In the life time, the person was not supposed to do the ills and odds. Which we are doing today by imitating the western culture. We can adopt good things from western culture but not completely try to become a imitating monkey all the time.

What is Death

Reality of Death and what happens after death

Also to live the life in correct way, you must also understand the reality of death, for which you can visit


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