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Power of Om

Om- The Spiritual Power

Om has a great importance in the world of Spirituality. Om is the very beginning of the universe. At the ultimate starting point of the creation of the universe, there was nothing. Nothing means complete darkness. This doesn’t means that universe was empty that time. The universe was complete in itself at that time in some other form.
There is a scientific fact about this theory. The universe that we see today is created or is in process of creation. It means, everything that we see around us is created from something else. Nothing that we see today exists from the beginning of the universe. Here comes the scientific concept that,”Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another.” This is the basic fundamental procedure of the creation of the universe.

Om and the Beginning of the universe

A very good question that comes to our mind often that what was at the beginning of universe or what was there when the universe was not created? There was complete darkness everywhere. There was nothing but also there was everything. Everything, but combined in a single unit. Everything was ONE. That ONE was a source of light, the ultimate God, from which the sound of OM was coming out. Everything that we see today, like stars, planets, moons and any other celestial bodies which are known as well as unknown to human beings today derived from that ultimate source. The word Om is resembled with that ultimate God, thats why the Om is used to remember that ultimate. That is the only source of every energy.

This could be understood from the same scientific concept that we discussed earlier. That energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So no one has created energy. But from where does these different forms of energy that we see today came from. Obviously, from that ultimate source of energy, that ultimate God.

Om and its benefits

Om is the very beginning of the path of Spirituality which leads us towards the ultimate goal. It can be used as daily meditation practice. Just sitting properly, eyes closed, and took a long breathe and chant a single Om in that single breathe while breathing out.

This is very practical experiment which everyone can perform by himself. This is the way to see our innerself. We start going deep in our mind and start observing the ultimate truth. That is nothing and also at the same time that is everything. That is the point from where the creation of the Universe began. Where we can see that everything in the universe are not different entities. All is ONE. And are ultimately a part of that ultimate God. So our negative thoughts and senses like anger, fear, sadness etc disappear automatically. Because this the time where we know that everything for what we cry today is because of this body, which is just a matter. We are just the spirits, a very small part of the ultimate God.

The person who understood this concepts by practical experiments, completely changes his life. He is the one who could be called Enlightened one. Enlightened one, who knows the truth, The Ultimate Truth.


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