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Shiva- Aadiyogi or God

Shiva- Aadiyogi or God

Shiva is the most popular God among the Hindu.  He is considered to be the reason for the existence of this universe. That is the reason he is called the Aadi purush. He is also considered by some people to be the first yoga purush, but they deny to accept him as a God. Shiva is the knower of all the tantra that is possible in this universe. He is the controller of the shakti that is the power residing in this universe. This all is a matter of contradiction only.

Who is Shiva

Shiva is the first person in this universe. He is not bounded with the limitations of the human beings. He is the sakaar swaroop (visible form)  of the ultimate God. He is himself the actual God. He created a lot of universe, of which one is ours. He is the ultimate consciousness from which all the living beings are made alive, with the presence of a small part of his consciousness. Every one of us believes that we are individual in our self. This is not true. We all are part of the Shiva. By the word 'we', it is not meant that our body. It means our consciousness. Our body is just a creation of this materialistic world. But we are not this body. Because we all know that someday we have to leave this body. Then who are We? We are the consciousness inside this body. When we understand this reality of ourselves and this universe, we become one with the Shiva, and our this false independent existence in this whole universe is disappeared because we have became one with the Shiva.

Shiva in Tantra

Shiva is the creator and the only knower of all the Tantra that is existing in today's world, and also those which are not even known to human species. So whatever tantra we want to learn, it is compulsory that one should worship Lord Shiva. This is so because he is considered to be the 'Aadi Guru'. The power in the tantra is the Goddess. Goddess is the better half of Lord Shiva. So worshipping both of them will make you successful in Tantra. Clearly understanding, both Shiva and Shakti are one just like fire and its heat, Sun and sunlight. So it will be a misconception if you treat them differently.

For information regarding practices to be avoided in the worship of Lord Shiv, visit


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