Spirituality begins is a collection of thoughts, ideas, questions and answers regarding living a life spiritually. Spirituality is to make life simpler, by which we can live our life consciously, happily, peacefully and intellectually. Spirituality makes life simpler by getting us out of complications of daily life. It also cover some part of Secrets of paranormal world and their significance in our life.
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In Spiritual World, different types of creatures resides. Many of which are even not known to us. Ghost is a type of creature which is clearly explained in Spirituality. Ghost (Bhoot) is a debatable topic from a very very long time. But there are no clear evidence of the existence of the ghosts. But also there is not any clear evidence of the non-existence of ghosts. This is very largely discussed topic which is also exciting and horrifying among people. No one is sure about it. Only stories are there which may be true.
In many countries, the topic is under consideration and is continuously debated and scientific researches are going on. In every religion the existence of ghosts is accepted of one or some another type. But it is still a mystery that what is the truth. Lets try to find out the secret of Ghost in today's blog.
What is Ghost?
According to Hindu Shastras in India, the ghosts are described of different types like bhoot, pret, pishach, chudail, yaksh, kinnar and the most dangerous one that is Brahmrakshas. These are slightly different from one another. Lets discuss in detail who they all are, and how they are different from one another.
Spirituality gives the explanation of the mysteries which are beyond the limits of human. Ghost is actually a spirit. Spirit, the same as everyone and every living creature on the earth have, which is called 'Jeevaatma' or Our 'Spiritual Body'. Ghost is that spirit which possess negativity. Because of that negativity that spirit (or at instance the ghost), remains on the earth in between humans. Their existence at a particular place definitely affects the humans nearby by that negativity. Even if that spirit does not want to harm the humans, but its negativity will play a negative role in the life of the humans. The amount of negativity decides the type of the ghost. Increasing or decreasing negativity also changes the form of the ghost. With increasing negativity, the ghost is also capable of using that negativity according to its will to harm other beings on Earth.
The negativity comes from one's own actions (karma). Doing bad of someone or even thinking bad about someone, while alive. The main factors for the negativity are greed (lobh), anger(krodh), desires(kaam), jealousy(irshya) etc. made a soul full of negativity in his living time. The important thing to note here is that this negativity remains with the spirit even after the death, that is when the spirit leaves the body. The amount of negativity with the spirit decides in which yoni or which type of ghost one is going to become. As a result of which the spirit have to reside in that yoni for a particular time, after which it gets a new birth in some other yoni like again human or animal or plant etc.
Its consequences
We should remain free from such negativity so that we do not enter in the yoni of ghosts after our death. Entering into Ghost form (pret yoni) is type of prison. Where we are locked for a period of time, which is directly in proportion of our actions (karmas) during our human life time. So we should choose our actions wisely so we don't have the face the consequences of it after our death.
We should always remember the God and the death because of which we become aware of truth and become spiritual. So that we do not fall prey to kaam, krodh, lobh, irshya etc and remain free from negativity and live a life towards moksha, which is the final aim of the Spirituality.
How to Remove Negativity
The negativity can be made neutral by adding positivity to it. It is same as the concept of Science. Adding positivity definitely neutralize the negativity. This positivity will come from the name of God . Any name of God is full of positivity. So we should remember the God in any form. Reciting the name of God frees us from the negativity and one who is free from the factors of negativity, that is desires (kaam), anger (krodh ) etc., is definitely going to get itself free from the birth cycle (i.e. birth and death).
Beej Mantra Sadhna W hat is Beej Mantra Sadhana Different Devta and Devi in Hindu Shastra have different Beej mantra, which are used in their Sadhna, mantras etc specifically to get their blessings. To make a dev happy and to get connected with him, his beej mantra is used and his blessings can be attained by their single word Beej mantra use only. Beej Mantra vs Beej Akshar There is a little difference in beej mantra and beejakshar. Beej akshar is one of the beej used in mantras. Every akshar is a beej. But beej mantra is little different. Beej mantra is the beejakshar which is a complete mantra in itself, that means it will independently have its effect. Details of s-ome of the powerful beej mantras are given below: Shreem beej mantra (श्रीं बीज मंत्र) Shreem is the beej mantra of Goddess Mahalakshmi. Goddess Lakshami is the goddess of wealth, happiness and fulfillness. She is the betterhalf of Lord Vishnu. She is prayed by the people for wealth and hap
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7 Chakras In Body Power Chakra Our body consist of a energy because of which we are alive. To control the flow of this energy in our body there are some power controller points in our body which are called Chakras. There are 112 chakras in a human body, of which 7 are main chakras which have importance in kundalini jagran as well as in our normal life. The nature and power of these chakras affect our daily life. Different chakras have different colors, shades, rotation speed and impacts on us. At every point of time in our life, one or combination of chakras are active, because of which our emotions, thoughts and mood are controlled and affected. Let's find out details of 7 main chakras one by one. 1. Muladhar chakra - Root chakra It is the first and the starting chakra (the root chakra) through which energy starts to flow. It is situated below our genitals. 98% of the human population is affected by this root chakra only. It is the source point of desire to create and
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