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Showing posts from January, 2020

Spiritual Happiness-The Permanent happiness

Spirituality -The Permanent Happiness Meaning of Permanent Happiness Happiness is the feeling that arises in us when we get what we want. Right!!! But why we are not always happy. We try hard to be happy but we know we are not. The answer to this question is simply answered in Spirituality. Spiritual happiness vs happiness We are all filled with desires. The desires of materialistic things. If we get those things we become happy and if we not, then we became angry and sad. The important fact to think about at this point is, if we get what we want, can always keep us happy or is it just temporary.  Obviously, it is temporary. We can think of anything that we desired at some point of time and even got it some time earlier in our life, we became very happy when we got that but we are not still happy for that achievement, Right! So what to do??? Try to understand a simple fact, we all want to get rid of sadness, and we all are sad. Why is it so? Have we ever go


Ghost In Spiritual World, different types of creatures resides. Many of which are even not known to us. Ghost is a type of creature which is clearly explained in Spirituality. Ghost (Bhoot) is a debatable topic from a very very long time. But there are no clear evidence of the existence of the ghosts. But also there is not any clear evidence of the non-existence of ghosts. This is very largely discussed topic which is also exciting and horrifying among people. No one is sure about it. Only stories are there which may be true. In many countries, the topic is under consideration and is continuously debated and scientific researches are going on. In every religion the existence of ghosts is accepted of one or some another type. But it is still a mystery that what is the truth. Lets try to find out the secret of Ghost in today's blog. What is Ghost? According to Hindu Shastras in India, the ghosts are described of different types like bhoot, pret, pishach, chudail, yaksh